Friday, November 30, 2012

[Atomic Robo] Covers and Progress

Scott's been noodling around with cover ideas for ARRPG. Thoughts? Other than my first thought, which was "Those robot fists are awesome!"?

("Of course they are," says Scott. "They're based on a real thing.")

Related: Several chapters of ARRPG have been submitted. By this I mean that they've been put in a place online where an Evil Hat editor can eventually get to them. More chapters are being revised and written as I type this. Well, not exactly as I type, because I'm typing this, and I can only type one thing at a time. I guess I could alternate characters between this blog post and the chapter, but -- look, I feel like we're getting off-course here.

Also, Action Scientists, aka playtesters! Thanks for your work on the secret mission you've been assigned! Good stuff. Keep 'em coming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man why is it that we haven't expanded on all the cool technology that came out of the 60s? I know people are working on mechanical exoskeletons now, but they don't seem that much more advanced.

Also we should have freaking hover cycles by now! I could accept not having jetpacks if we had hover cycles. 50s tech! 80s tech!